During hot, dry Colorado summers, it’s important to find the right plants for your garden that require lower water amounts. Learning the most efficient ways to water these plants will keep blossoms thriving in your backyard during summer months. Select flowers and native plants that attract birds and other pollinators. It will keep your garden thriving!
From planting methods to proper maintenance techniques like staking or mulching, we have all the information you need on our blog. I’ve been gardening here in Denver for 6 years now. While I’m still learning each year, I’ve discovered what works and what doesn’t when planting here in Colorado’s climate. Efficient watering techniques that are key during our hot, dry summers. I’ll show you the irrigation system I use and how easy it can be to set up. I’ll show you how I choose annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees based on their ability to thrive year-round in Denver’s changing climate.
On for those of you not living in Denver, here you’ll find inspiration on creating a garden in any environment. Learn how adding archways and lighting can help enhance the visual appeal and interest of your outdoor space.